Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Peppermint & Lemon Essential Oil
     About the product:
InstaNatural’s Peppermint Essential Oil is a multi-purpose oil that cools, energizes and refreshes the body and mind. This steam-distilled oil is extracted from dried or fresh leaves from the Mentha Piperita herb, giving it a sharp, menthol fragrance. Its pleasantly sweet and minty aroma makes it a premium choice for aromatherapy to improve the mind and lift the spirits.

 Lemon Essential Oil is extracted from the rinds of lemon, which lends its fresh citrus fragrance. This cold-pressed oil has a strong bright scent that is both refreshing and uplifting. Its astringent and purifying properties also make it a great aid to help cleanse and tone the skin, while delivering a boost of Vitamin C antioxidant benefits.

My personal Experience:

Peppermint essential Oil:
I love the minty scent it is fantastic! I totally felt in love with this oil, I use this one for the living room and our bedroom. It makes me feel relaxed and peacefully!! I totally recimend this one.. Its my favorite

Lemon essential oil:
I use this one for our restroom. I wasn't a big fan of the smell. It does not smell bad I am just not into those kinds of scents!! But it works great in the restrooms it really covers up the bad smells:) I recommend this one for the restroom!

I received this products for my honest feedback! "Sponsored Post"

Advanced Green Tea extract
About the product:             
    A specialized caffeine-free blend of Green Tea Extract and Vitamin C that fortifies the immune system and provides a variety of invaluable health benefits. 

Green Tea Extract is plant-based supplement that has been shown to assist with weight loss and cholesterol reduction, as well as potentially lessening the risk of heart disease, diabetes and brain diseases. Adding Vitamin C with the powerful polyphenols of Green Tea can help increase antioxidant protection against free radicals to promote a stronger immune system and healthier well-being.

My Personal Experience:
I have been using this Advanced Green Tea extract for about two weeks now and I have noticed many positive things. 
First and best of all my cholesterol is much better now (I can eat sea food with no worries, that is a must for me because I love sea food)
Secondly I've noticed that my fatness is decreasing!!! I am in love with that. I feel more energy after taking the pill daily.

I have really come to love this product! I will definably say Yes Purchase this product it really works great!!! 

+ Increases Fat Burning
+ Improves Physical Performance
+ Packed with Antioxidants
+ All Natural
+ Helps Lower Cholesterol

I received this product for my honest feedback! "Sponsored Post"

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Eu Natural

Vibrance Pure Hair Vitamins is a supplement for hair growth that contains a rich abundance of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Think of it as taking a multivitamin for your hair. The nourishing ingredients support the growth of thicker, longer, and more vibrant hair. The result? Gorgeous, healthy hair, each and every day.

Vibrance is purely formulated without fillers, binders, and artificial additives to give you only the best hair building ingredients. Check out any of the vitamins you are taking right now. See the "Other Ingredients" section under the Supplement Facts box? We don't use any of those artificial ingredients!

I have been using Vibrance Pure healthy hair formula for about two weks now, I have notice a dramatic amazing change in my hair. 
Before using :(At this time my hair is bleached, and it feels very damaged, it falls out alot, alot of split ends, looks and feels coarse, break

s easily.. I love how my hair looks bleached but I hate all the bad things that are happening to it..)
Day 3 : ( I have noticed that a fewer hairs are falling off and it feels  a bit better.. wow)
1st week : ( omg!! This product is amazing now my hair only falls when its tangled and I brush it.. that is amazing I am in love!!!!!! My hair feels and looks wayyyy better now)
Week 2 : (This stuff continues to amaze me... my hair doesn't get as tangled anymore that means less hair is falling off and I feel that my hair feels fuller l.. my hair is growing back yayyy.. goodbye bold spots l.. hello Gorgeous ombre hair.)
I take 2 capsules daily before a meal with an 8 ounce glass of water.

I really recommend this product!!! I received this product for my Honest and unbiased feedback!

A full 30-day retail bottle. MSRP $49.99

Discounts: Bloggers and readers of your blog get a 100% discount. Get an extra bottle for free with an order of Vibrance Hair Vitamins using code BBVRB1G1 at checkout on Amazon.